Re:generation Recovery

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” Jesus Christ, John 10:10

GOD LOVES YOU. When life is broken, He offers you a plan for healing, restoration and new life. His desire is that you find the life of freedom and joy that He created you to experience with Him.

At some level we all experience brokenness. At re:generation, we see people experiencing growth and new life by working through the healing path God has given us in the Bible. Through this Christ-centered, 12-step program, God can bring you recovery and freedom. We pray that He will reveal the richness and depth of His love for you, no matter where you are.

So whether you are struggling with: substance abuse, codependency, pornography, eating disorders, depression, abuse, pride, same-sex struggles, anger or obsessive thoughts; or if you just feel stuck in a particular area of life, come as you are and find that God wants to restore you. He loves you and has a plan for you.

Everyone is welcome. We look forward to growing with you as you experience God’s love, receive His grace and walk in His freedom.

“He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

—Jesus Christ, (Luke 4:18-19)

Registration for Fall 2024 has closed.

Fall 2025 Registration will open in May 2025.

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